Framed or unframed images, double-sided placemats, regional postcards, calendars ...
Create your own decor thanks to its photo library of spontaneous images: Mountain, flowers, travel ... but also everyday views, simple as that!
About : Elisabeth Varreau-spontaneous photographer
You can find some photographs on display and for sale at La Maison des Savoir-Faire in Bourg d´Oisans.
Take a look at my virtual gallery on my website to get an overview of themes already produced, ordered by individuals or professionals.
Whether at home, on your stairs, at the office or at your mother-in-law's place, any wall is suitable for showing the story you want to tell! Give me your subject, it would love to search in my photo library, for you.
Our exchanges can be done by e-mail, or in person at La Maison des Savoir-Faire.
En bref
- Parking nearby
- Online shop
- Click & Collect
From 01/01 to 31/12.
Price displayed according to the size and support of the image. From 5.50 to 100 euros!
Prices depending on the service chosen.
Means of payment
- Check
- Bank/credit card
- Cash
- Online payment
- Contactless payment