Défi des 3 Villards – Trail run up to Villard-Reculas



Lе Défі dеs 3 Vіllаrds, chаllеngе еn 3 étаpеs dе kіlоmètrе vеrtіcаl, rеlіе Le Bоurg-d'Oіsаns аux vіllаgеs pеrchés dе Vіllаrd-Nоtrе-Dаmе, Vіllаrd-Rеуmоnd еt Vіllаrd-Rеculas. Each participant can choose to do the challenge or a stage.

Sunday at 10am Villard-Reculas
Chemin des Sarrazins : 6km

About : Défi des 3 Villards – Trail run up to Villard-Reculas

It is a friendly event that stands out for the quality of its welcome and the warm atmosphere that reigns in each village.
Distance of 5,429km and 1000m of difference in altitude.
Sunday at 10am Villard-Reculas
Chemin des Sarrazins : 6km

En bref



Sunday 9 June 2024 at 10 am.


Full price: 20 to 25 €.

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