The snow child



The warmth of spring returns, and Dieti, a child like no other, undergoes a series of trials that will transform him and make him more human.

About : The snow child

As part of the Festival des Arts du Récit, Florence FERIN presents a tale for children:
"As the story progressed, I observed the delicate encounter between the parents and the adopted child, and chose to affirm that love, when experienced in a double sense, invites us to weave the essential beauty of Life.

To love is to accompany without possessing: between Dieti and her parents, there's the love that helps her grow, and her life that doesn't belong to them. Dieti, the child of snow, undergoes trials that will transform him and inscribe him in his humanity and in a living bond with those who have desired him so much."

The musical creation, played on a 20-note music box, gives rhythm and exalts the harmony of the whole.

Minimum age: 3 years

En bref


From 3 years old


Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 5 pm.


Free of charge.